Monday, May 10, 2010

~ Happy mommas day ~

So grateful for my moms blessed example of unconditional love...

any mom that sacrifices her life to raise her children will know the true blessings of being a mom :)

"My mother loves her children - she would have given anything if I had been one." lol

I know for sure I grew up way too fast, so glad I learned fast enough to catch myself before I fell
into a huge hole ha ha Love my momma and her unconditional love
Happy mothers day to ALL mothers that really take care of their children lol

my mom at my grad shes who i aspired to be like


pwincessdi said...

aww sweet! Your mom is soo supportive of you kids, all mothers are blessings...I think the greatest here on earth for sure :) Hope Mothers Day was a good one for ya.

Kiki Fangupo said...

I love Mel!!! She cracks me up!!