Monday, October 17, 2011

blog stalker ;)

as I was checking out other blogs, (have u noticed many new blog hoppers? :)) I saw this post

"I find the whole concept of being ‘sexy’ embarrassing and confusing. If I do an interview with photographs people desperately want to change me-- dye my hair blonder, pluck my eyebrows, give me a fringe. Then there’s the choice of clothes. I know everyone wants a picture of me in a mini-skirt. But that’s not me. I feel uncomfortable. I’d never go out in a mini-skirt. It’s nothing to do with protecting the Hermione image. I wouldn’t do that. Personally, I don’t actually think it’s even that sexy. What’s sexy about saying, ‘I’m here with my boobs out and a short skirt, have a look at everything I’ve got?’ My idea of sexy is that less is more. The less you reveal the more people can wonder." --Emma Watson.

Maybe they should pass the memo to the Disney channel lol I like that, kids dont really understand this concept until someone famous makes it cool... I love Harry Potter books:)


Fiona and Hoko Tuakoi said...

I love that!! And I love Harry Potter, too. The movies, that is. Cause i haven't read any of the books. Maybe I'll get to them in this lifetime. Lol. Thanks for sharing!! :D Miss you & the kids. :D

pwincessdi said...

Finally a young good role model for children!! I love her even more now :) Great post! You aint lying about the Disney Channel kids...freakin dressing slutty and stuff..soo annoying!